
Measuring Channel Performance

 Channel programs are big investments - with the potential for massive payoffs . A channel manager should always be watching out for the KPIs . Proper examination of your KPIs can help you determine if your channels are on the right path to generating recurring revenue.

  1. Active Pipeline Value

It’s critical to track and calculate your active pipeline value: all of the revenue that’s being generated now just by your partners, but also the players leveraged to move value up the chain and into your hands .

  1. Opportunities Per Partner
  1. Active vs Pending vs InActive Partners

If a partner is active and working on your behalf, you can invest resources to support and incentivize their growth. For pending partners, you can see where they’re stalled in the process and how you can get them up and generating revenue for you . For inactive partners, you can decide if you need to retool or jettison the relationship .

  1. Average Deal Size
  2. Percent Of Content Engaged